Welcome to the website of a European Erasmus+ project to develop a pictorial guide for adults with epilepsy with reading difficulties.
Epilepsy is one of the most common chronic neurological disorders affecting around 1% of the population worldwide. This project aims to address adults with epilepsy who are at the risk of social exclusion such as migrant persons, persons living in isolated areas in Europe and persons with low literacy levels and low health literacy. These persons are marginalised because of their health conditions, stigma and discrimination.
The project will contribute to the social inclusion of these persons by using a pictorial guide to overcome language barriers and literacy issues. This will improve their access to social, health, education and employment services and help them to better manage their epilepsy. And it will result in a better quality of life for these persons.
The project brings together five European epilepsy organisations from Austria, Germany, Malta, the Netherlands and Scotland.
The EPIPICTO partners would like the acknowledge the support of the International Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE) in the dissemination of the project.