Project partners
Caritas Malta Epilepsy Association
was established in 1996 by voluntary workers. The association is for persons with epilepsy and their families. It aims to promote education and local awareness about epilepsy, especially because of the stigma suffered by people with this condition in society, particularly in employment. The association campaigns for improved health care services, treatment and social acceptance of epilepsy, as a serious yet treatable brain disorder. Raising public and professional awareness and dispelling myths about epilepsy is one of their key objectives.
Contact Caritas Malta Epilepsy Association
Janet Mifsud. Email: janetmifsud@gmail.com
Stichting Epilepsie Instellingen Nederland (SEIN) was established in 1832. Stichting Epilepsie Instellingen Nederland (SEIN) is an expertise centre for epilepsy and sleep medicine. SEIN is specialised in diagnosis, treatment, support and scientific research in epilepsy and sleep. SEIN provides sustainable healthcare, treatment and residential options for people with difficult to treat types of epilepsy or additional problems. The strength of SEIN lies in its multidisciplinary approach, in which specialised neurologists, psychologists and other physicians work closely together. SEIN also collaborates with university hospitals and international epilepsy centres.
Contact on behalf of Stichting Epilepsie Instellingen Nederland (SEIN)
Caroline Morton-Gallagher. Email: morton@online.nl
Epilepsy Connections in Scotland was formed in April 2000 to provide information and support to people with epilepsy. The charity’s principal objectives are to developing and deliver a range of community-based information and support services to people with epilepsy, their families, friends and carers and the professionals who work with them; to raise awareness of the diversity and complexity of epilepsy needs and working with statutory, voluntary and independent agencies to address those needs. Epilepsy service users are included in the processes of planning and delivering services, and in the monitoring and evaluation of those services.
Contact Epilepsy Connections
Shirley Maxwell. Email: smaxwell@epilepsyconnections.org.uk
The Interessenvereinigung für Anfallskranke in Köln e.v was established 30 years ago and the association works closely with the various epilepsy self-help groups in Germany. They are one of the oldest and largest self-help organisations in Germany. The association organises meetings, small group meetings, counselling, peer counselling and workshops for people with epilepsy. Activities also include advocacy campaigns and they provide social outings for people with epilepsy.
Contact Interessenvereinigung für Anfallskranke in Köln e.v.
Thomas Porschen. Email: info@epilepsie-online.de
Epilepsie Dachverband Österreich (EDO)
serves as an umbrella organization for self-help groups across Austria. EDO is an independent association representing the special interests of people with epilepsy and their relatives. It acts as a contact for all persons and institutions with the aim of cultivating intensive contacts with the medical profession in order to ensure comprehensive quality requirements in child, adolescent and adult care. This is done to ensure the quality of life through special care for people with epilepsy; for persons with epilepsy the right to use all the laws and provide professional competence. EDO advises and represents, if necessary, people with epilepsy and develop new fields of activity. EDO offers various courses such as annual Spring and Autumn events as well as current training as a means of professionalisation, support and information through national and international exchange of ideas and experiences.
Contact Epilepsie Dachverband Österreich
Michael Alexa. Email: Office@epilepsie.at